UK Wildlife

  1. 3. spotty garden bird
  2. 5. field and bank
  3. 8. great crested is one
  4. 9. flying south in the winter
  5. 10. includes bees, wasps and moths
  6. 12. seeds of the oak tree
  7. 17. type of small toad
  8. 19. fluffy tailed rodent
  9. 20. frequently coppiced tree
  10. 21. type of ladybird
  11. 22. Oryctolagus cuniculus
  12. 24. animals that eat others
  13. 26. hibernates in winter
  14. 27. red and grey
  1. 1. type of falcon
  2. 2. greater spotted, lesser and green
  3. 4. Wildlife and .......... Act
  4. 6. a beetle trap
  5. 7. red breasted bird
  6. 11. a water loving mustelid
  7. 13. common woodland bird
  8. 14. largest member of the weasel family
  9. 15. Britain's only venomous snake
  10. 16. large bird of prey
  11. 18. type of owl
  12. 23. make up much of the grass snake's diet
  13. 25. tiny insectivore