Ukraine - Current Events

  1. 3. the Ukrainian president's trademark t-shirt color.
  2. 6. - something not to be crossed. An example would be an invasion of a NATO country or the use of chemical weapons.
  3. 8. how Russia sees its former Soviet republics
  4. 10. nation invaded by Russia in 2008
  5. 12. name given to former Asian Soviet Socialist Republics.
  6. 14. what is feared if the United States started shooting down Russian bombers.
  7. 15. region gifted to Ukraine by USSR in 1950
  8. 17. authoritarian ruler of Russia in power since 2000.
  9. 18. leader of Ukraine since elected in 2018
  10. 20. most high profile American to meet with Ukrainian President.
  11. 22. used by international community against Russia in hopes of convincing Putin to end the offensive.
  12. 23. town outside capitol where genocide evidence exists.
  13. 24. what Ukrainians wanted established by NATO in order to end aerial bombardment.
  14. 25. Russian puppet nation helping Putin in Ukraine.
  1. 1. 27 member states who strongly support Ukraine.
  2. 2. capitol of Ukraine still held by Ukrainians
  3. 4. area of Ukraine in conflict since Crimea annexed.
  4. 5. products related to this are Russia's top export and money maker and help fund Putin's military
  5. 7. Russian foreign minister and head of diplomacy.
  6. 9. Latvia Estonia and Lithuania(all in NATO)
  7. 11. nation that wants USA to reduce influence in Ukraine.
  8. 12. what was won by Ukraine in 1991
  9. 13. US Secretary of State
  10. 14. alliance that Ukraine considered joining since 2008.
  11. 16. second region in conflict since annexation
  12. 17. nation taking in the most Ukrainian refugees and offered the use of its air force.
  13. 19. city in southeastern Ukraine under siege
  14. 21. place west of Crimea now considered to be at risk.