Ulcerative Colitis

  1. 2. These cells secrete mucus
  2. 5. The structure of the large bowel is designed to create a large surface area for ________ to take place
  3. 6. Ulcerated areas are covered with granulation tissue can lead to the formation of _______ which protrude from the mucous membrane
  4. 7. Due to malabsorption of Fe
  5. 8. Inflammation and swelling of subcutaneous fat
  6. 10. The colon has extensive folding and deep _____
  1. 1. Ulcerative Colitis is a inflammatory bowel disease characterised by diffuse inflammation of the colonic_________
  2. 3. The process of blood platelet production
  3. 4. During inflammation and wound repair the number of _______ blood cells will increase
  4. 9. A break in the skin or mucus membrane lining GI tract that fails to heal and is accompanied by inflammation
  5. 11. Signs of inflammation: Redness, Heat, Impaired function, _____ and Swelling