Ultimate Karate Kid / Cobra Kai

  1. 4. "I want meth and a x"
  2. 7. "Beware of the spinning x move"
  3. 12. The new issue of "Dungeon x" comes out on Wednesdays
  4. 13. The name of the only committee member that votes with Daniel to ban Cobra Kai from being re-instated
  5. 14. "Sodium x IS table salt"
  6. 15. "Snitches get x"
  7. 17. Carmen brings Johnny tres x dessert after Miguel wins the tournament
  8. 19. "Demetri and Eli ... x brothers!"
  9. 20. Louie tricks Robby into moving this model of car in a crowded showroom
  10. 22. In Karate Kid 2, King Shohashi is known as the "x King"
  11. 24. This LA Dodger hit a "walkoff" the night before the party at the Canyon
  12. 25. The model of the car Daniel gives Johnny after Louie and the motorcycle goons torch his old car.
  13. 30. "Act of x!"
  14. 31. Johnny and Robby's father/son trip to x
  15. 32. Demetri's super power of choice
  16. 33. Kreese orders a cup of x when he meets Johnny at the diner
  17. 35. "x is here to Namaste"
  18. 36. The name of Xander Stone's dojo is "x Karate"
  19. 37. "Dont know ... never been attacked by x"
  20. 38. "What's there to think about? She's x and all those other things ..."
  21. 39. Terry Silver sends Kreese on a vacation to x at the beginning of Karate Kid 3
  22. 42. Aisha's Dad played for this NFL team
  23. 43. "x, get LaRusso a boba!"
  24. 45. Robby delivers a copy of "x Vixens" magazine to Daniel
  25. 46. Daniel's original hometown
  26. 48. Eli's last name
  27. 50. The name of Mr. Miyagi's village
  28. 52. Daniel's first girlfriend
  29. 53. Daniel's cousin
  1. 1. Daniel's mom spends Karate Kid 2 in this city
  2. 2. The drug Robby was caught with at school
  3. 3. The name of Daniel's mother
  4. 5. Every night at 10:36pm, the last flight leaves this city
  5. 6. "x get chicks"
  6. 8. The color of Samantha LaRusso's BMW
  7. 9. Sid worked as an executive for this TV studio
  8. 10. Mike Barnes defeats this fighter to make the finals of the All Valley Tournament
  9. 11. Miguel's grandmother
  10. 16. The name of Robby Keene's mother
  11. 18. Johnny likes "x hot babes"
  12. 21. Demetri's Halloween costume
  13. 23. The name of Sid's African-American caretaker
  14. 26. Stingray's favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
  15. 27. Eli/Hawk's first name on his fake ID
  16. 28. Johnny went with him to see Rocky 3 during the summer of 1983
  17. 29. The name of the airbase in Karate Kid 2
  18. 31. Tom Cole's free plant giveaway
  19. 34. Last name of the actor who portrays Johnny Lawrence
  20. 36. Daniel's favorite type of sushi
  21. 40. Does Robby prefer the heat or the cold?
  22. 41. The name of Terry Silver's nuclear waste disposal company
  23. 44. The tournament committee changes the color of the mats to blue with a x (color) fist
  24. 47. "x Kebob" (store next to the Cobra Kai Dojo)
  25. 49. Daniel's love interest in Karate Kid 2
  26. 51. "Your x make air stink!" (Sato to Miyagi)