Ultimate One Piece part 3 Shepherd

  1. 1. It all starts in the opposite of West.
  2. 3. Ray is the only one I rely on.
  3. 4. Reincarnated stairs tumbler
  4. 7. Earth, Fire and Water have 3 apples each, if Earth and Fire each give water 2 apples, how many apples does Water have?
  5. 9. I'm a kickboxer who can't box.
  6. 10. Game of thrones but it's an island.
  7. 15. "That's not a knife" (Dundee)
  8. 16. I'm the cat in Shrek.
  9. 20. adding the reverse to evolutionary.
  1. 2. Pee in the pool not in the sky please.
  2. 5. I can quit whenever I want.
  3. 6. ABBA - It's so funny in a rich man's world.
  4. 8. Voldemort wishes he had what I have.
  5. 11. The mask of _____? (Antonio Banderas
  6. 12. Lightning isnt russian (RU)
  7. 13. Living X-Ray machine
  8. 14. Actually a myth that this will improve your eyesight.
  9. 17. Berenstain or Berenstein?
  10. 18. You can't remove pencil marks with a condom.
  11. 19. Kevin Asks If Dinosaurs eat Oranges.