Ultimite Pokemon Crossword(all 1025 Pokemon)

  1. 3. an ice type fox who has nine tails
  2. 5. poisonous baby girl
  3. 7. monster king of poison
  4. 8. it will steal your life away: if licked by it
  5. 10. an electric type who is number 100
  6. 12. first evolution of the "unique horn" pokemon
  7. 17. the shellfish pokemon
  8. 18. a "cool" water and poison type
  9. 19. evolution of seel
  10. 25. evolution of geodude
  11. 26. cacoon pokemon: evolves from weedle
  12. 30. an armadilo that feasts on your dreams
  13. 31. evolution of a singing balloon
  14. 33. first bug type
  15. 34. evolution of spearow
  16. 36. the opposite of clefable
  17. 37. pink fairy pokemon
  18. 39. cobra spelled backwards
  19. 40. evolution of poliwag
  20. 42. the turtle pokemon
  21. 45. evolution of krabby
  22. 47. dark-normal version of a normal mouse
  23. 49. the megaton pokemon
  24. 50. magentized pokemon
  25. 56. the cyan version of psyduck
  26. 57. dark version of the rat pokemon
  27. 59. generation one: mushroom pokemon
  28. 60. pokemon who always has a headache
  29. 61. final evolution of the lizard pokemon
  30. 62. evolution of doduo
  31. 63. psychic version of the dopey pokemon
  32. 64. fire type who is 1000 years old and has nine tails
  33. 67. the evolution of zubat
  34. 70. evolution of kantonian grimer
  35. 73. final evolution of the grass and poison flower pokemon
  36. 75. water-crab
  37. 76. steel cat pokemon
  38. 78. a fire and rock legend pokemon
  39. 80. a singing balloon
  40. 81. dark version of grimer
  41. 82. monster queen of poison
  42. 84. insect pokemon
  43. 85. a rocky snake
  44. 88. a wild duck pokemon
  45. 90. fighting tadpole
  46. 92. grass and poison flower pokemon
  47. 97. the fire legend pokemon
  48. 98. fire lizard starter
  49. 100. final evolution of the weed pokemon
  50. 102. a shell-like pokemon
  51. 103. a ball of gas
  52. 104. rock and electric version of the megaton pokemon
  53. 107. "Cruel" water and poison type
  54. 108. evolution of galarian ponyta
  55. 109. mole pokemon
  56. 111. ice version of sandshrew
  57. 112. butterfly pokemon: bug and flying type
  58. 113. a poison-bee pokemon
  59. 115. a rat pokemon
  60. 116. tiny turtle pokemon
  61. 117. an angry fighting-type
  62. 118. what pokemon giovani has
  63. 119. fighting wild duck
  64. 120. pokemon owned by team rocket
  1. 1. final evolution of the fire-horse pokemon
  2. 2. evolution of magenmite
  3. 4. poiosnous baby boy
  4. 6. two-armed fighting pokemon
  5. 9. fire puppy from generation one
  6. 11. grass and poison fly-catcher pokemon
  7. 13. a darker version of persian
  8. 14. a poisonous teenage girl
  9. 15. evolution of the weed pokemon
  10. 16. a cacoon pokemon
  11. 20. karate-superpower pokemon
  12. 21. final evolution of the seed pokemon
  13. 22. poison and psychic version of slowbro
  14. 23. water-tadpole pokemon
  15. 24. flighless bird pokemon
  16. 27. final evolution of abra
  17. 28. a weed pokemon
  18. 29. snapper-oyster
  19. 32. the dopey pokemon
  20. 35. first grass type: starter
  21. 38. evolution of paras
  22. 41. poison-moth pokemon
  23. 43. steel-mole pokemon
  24. 44. evolution of the seed pokemon
  25. 46. evolution of mankey
  26. 48. evolution of the dopey pokemon
  27. 51. rock and electric version of geodude
  28. 52. the first pokemon in the pokerap
  29. 53. psychic- pokemon version of Harry Houndini
  30. 54. evolution of the tiny bird pokemon
  31. 55. famous electric type
  32. 58. an ice type fox with six tails
  33. 60. fire-horse pokemon
  34. 65. a water an ice type seal
  35. 66. a pokemon that has four arms
  36. 68. rock evolution of graveler
  37. 69. a deadly trash pokemon
  38. 71. a vampire-pokemon
  39. 72. snake spelled backwards
  40. 74. the psychic version of raichu
  41. 77. a dangerous/helpful pokemon
  42. 79. evolution of the famous electric type
  43. 82. a poisonous teenage boy
  44. 83. flame pokemon: fire starter middle evolution
  45. 86. normal mouse pokemon
  46. 87. tiny bird pokemon: who has only one evolution
  47. 89. scout pokemon
  48. 91. ground-mouse pokemon
  49. 93. the evolution of normal sandshrew
  50. 94. fire type with six tales
  51. 95. a half-dozen of eggs
  52. 96. dark cat pokemon
  53. 97. ice and steel version of sanDslash
  54. 99. final evolution of tiny bird pokemon
  55. 101. sounds like "amok"
  56. 105. evolution of abra
  57. 106. tiny bird pokemon: first generation
  58. 108. a rock with two arms
  59. 110. evolution of a pink fairy pokemon
  60. 114. hairy-bug pokemon