UN Sustainable Development Goals

  1. 2. ____________ for the goals
  2. 4. ____ on land
  3. 6. Decent work and ________ growth
  4. 7. _______ action
  5. 8. Industry, __________ and infrastructure
  6. 11. Gender ________
  7. 12. Zero ______
  8. 15. ___________ consumption and production
  9. 16. Life below _____
  1. 1. Peace, _______ and strong institutions
  2. 2. No _______
  3. 3. Clean water and __________
  4. 5. Reduced ____________
  5. 9. ___________ cities and communities
  6. 10. Quality _________
  7. 13. Affordable and clean ______
  8. 14. Good ______ and well-being