Unbeatable Minds crossword

  1. 3. creature with eyes on tenetacles
  2. 5. A tough elastic substance
  3. 7. help in keeping direction
  4. 10. Bladder special structure of the fish
  5. 11. moved in a zig zag way to push the fish front
  6. 12. a force that stops an object from moving
  7. 15. A germanscientist who disscuessed x rays
  8. 16. The type of movement in snail
  9. 17. on their tip tentacles
  1. 1. insect with hard outer skeleton
  2. 2. Animal which do not have limbs
  3. 4. photograph of the injured part
  4. 6. the ability to move from one place to another
  5. 8. thick and slippery liquid
  6. 9. joint provides back and forth movement
  7. 10. Fish which has no bones
  8. 13. special body shape of fish
  9. 14. snails muscular organ