Under Pressure - The Great Walks of NZ

  1. 3. - The number of Great Walks in NZ.
  2. 7. - Chris Roberts' main perspective.
  3. 10. - Geography concept that talks about 'ways of seeing the world'.
  4. 13. - one possible solution is to make all international visitors pay this.
  5. 14. - The leader of the Arawa waka.
  6. 16. - Under this Act, the Department of Conservation cannot charge for access to the walks.
  7. 17. - The Maori concept meaning to care for natural and/or physical resources.
  8. 18. - Representative of local hapu Ngati Hikairo
  9. 19. - a Great Walk on Stewart Island.
  1. 1. - numbers can be somewhat controlled on this track because the only access is by boat.
  2. 2. - Natural thermal spring on Mt Tongariro.
  3. 4. - The number of National Parks in NZ.
  4. 5. - Lou Sanson heads this organisation (acronym).
  5. 6. - Ngatoroirangi's sisters sent a basket full of this from Hawaiki.
  6. 8. - Sacred or special.
  7. 9. - Huts, toilets and tracks are all examples of this type of feature.
  8. 11. - threat of a volcanic event is ever-present here.
  9. 12. - This geography concept may be natural or cultural.
  10. 15. - Tongariro local iwi.