Understanding Business Activity

  1. 3. what size is a public limited company usually
  2. 4. two or more businesses agree to work together on a project and set up a separate business for this purpose.
  3. 5. the owners of a limited company
  4. 9. what do business partners usually invest?
  5. 11. liability what do business owners of an unincorporated business have?
  6. 15. what do business partners usually share?
  7. 16. what do business owners of an unincorporated business risk if the company fails?
  8. 17. the shareholders in a limited liability company which fails only risk losing the amount they have invested in the company and not any of their personal wealth.
  9. 18. a payment, out of profits, to shareholders as a reward for their investment.
  10. 19. a business that does not have legal identity separate from its owners. The owners have unlimited liability for business debts.
  11. 20. often a large company, owned by shareholders who have limited liability. The company can sell its shares to the general public.
  1. 1. a business that is owned and controlled by just person who takes all of the risks and receives all of the profits
  2. 2. often a small to medium-sized company; owned by shareholders who have limited liability. The company cannot sell its shares to the general public
  3. 6. liability what do shareholders in a public limited business have?
  4. 7. non-current assets offered as security against borrowing
  5. 8. the finance needed when first setting up a business
  6. 10. besides risks, what does a sole trader receive if they succeed?
  7. 12. a business formed by two or more people who will usually share responsibility for the day-to-day running of the business. Partners usually invest capital in the business and will share profits
  8. 13. a business system where entrepreneurs buys the right to use the name, logo and product of an existing business.
  9. 14. what size is a private limited company usually