Understanding Diabetes

  1. 3. this is the name for diabetes that develops while a woman is pregnant
  3. 6. This macronutrient is the first to be digested in the stomach and small intestine
  4. 7. person can add these two things to their diet to help prevent diabetes: PROTEIN & FIBER
  5. 8. this means that your blood sugar levels are higher than the normal range but lower than the diabetes range
  6. 11. doing this activity is important for people with diabetes and also to prevent diabetes. It lowers blood glucose levels, and helps insulin work for efficiently.
  7. 12. Glucose gives THIS to your cells
  8. 14. DEPENDENT this is the condition where you must have insulin from an outside source, usually delivered by pump or injection
  9. 15. eating too much of this carbohydrate overtime, typically found in soda and candy, can lead to weight gain and type 2 diabetes
  10. 16. the hormone released by our pancreas that allows glucose to leave our bloodstream. With type one diabetes, the pancreas cannot release this hormone
  11. 18. THIRSTY
  1. 1. When a person with diabetes eats a lot of sugary foods, their pancreas becomes___________.
  2. 2. a fancy name for sugar in our blood. It is very important for our bodies to survive. If your body doesn’t use THIS properly, it can become unhealthy
  3. 5. 2- The type of diabetes that is caused by a number of factors including genetics, overweight, high sugar/high fat diet, lack of exercise, among other things.
  4. 8. The organ that creates insulin.
  5. 9. levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood does THIS after eating a lot of sugar or carbohydrates
  6. 10. TIREDNESS - three signs of diabetes
  7. 13. Glucose stays here until insulin allows it to pass into the cells that need energy
  8. 17. INTESTINE- after eating food, this is where 98% of nutrients, including sugar, is absorbed into the blood