Understanding Intercultural Transitions

  1. 3. People who are forced to relocate either short or long term
  2. 5. Gives up culture heritage and adopts mainstream cultural identity
  3. 7. Understanding Intercultural Transitions
  4. 8. Retains culture and interacts minimally with other groups
  5. 10. Individual who leaves the primary cultural context and moves to a new cultural context
  6. 11. Focuses on in-depth descriptions of the adaptation process
  7. 12. Maintain original culture and their interactions with other groups
  1. 1. People who willingly relocate either short or long term
  2. 2. Focuses on the individual in the adaptation process
  3. 4. Compelling groups to live apart from each other
  4. 6. Move to a new cultural context for a limited period of time and for a specific purpose
  5. 9. People who move to a new country, region, or environment to settle more or less permanently