Understanding the Whole Child (OER), Chapter 1

  1. 2. change across domains/dimensions
  2. 4. type of conditioning that involves pairing natural (unconditioned) stimulus with learned (condition) ones to produce a desire response
  3. 5. theorist who has an ecological systems model which explains direct and indirect influences on an individual's development
  4. 6. Vygotsky’s theory, which emphasizes the importance of culture and interaction in the development of cognitive abilities
  5. 8. theorist with lifespan theory which presents major tasks to accomplish or crisis to overcome at each stage
  6. 12. our ability to change and understanding that many characteristics are malleable
  7. 14. influences on development that come from heredity
  8. 15. theorist with lifespan theory which presents major tasks to accomplish or crisis to overcome at each stage
  9. 16. influential cognitive stage theorist who was the first to recognize that children's thought differs from that of adults
  10. 17. influences on development that come from one's environment
  11. 19. aspect of development that depends on who is involved in the life of a child and when and where the child lives
  12. 20. ability to overcome adversity
  1. 1. field of study devoted to understanding change from conception through adolescence.
  2. 3. type of conditioning reinforcers and punishment to increase or decrease the likelihood of a response
  3. 7. approach that emphasizes the role of watching others as the main mechanism for learning; ______________ theory
  4. 9. the idea that we might show gains in some areas of development while showing loss in other areas
  5. 10. In ecological systems theory, the temporal dimension of the environment
  6. 11. assumes that developmental change often occurs in distinct stages that are qualitatively different from each other, and in a set, universal sequence; ____________________ development
  7. 13. views overt and observable behavior as the proper subject matter of psychological study
  8. 18. a blueprint or model that helps scientists piece together various studies to guide research and interpret research findings