UNESCO World heritage sites

  1. 4. 2300 year old acred temple built into the rocks of Jordan
  2. 5. United Nations Educational Scientific cultural org
  3. 7. Angor Wat is a 12th century temple found in the country of _________
  4. 8. A 2000 year old city in country called Uzbekistan
  5. 12. Mount ________ is 3775m and a source of inspiration for many
  6. 13. Located in Moscow, Russia with St Basils Cathedral and the Kremlin near by
  7. 15. Heart and soul of Athens, Greece
  8. 17. Mount Fuji is located in the country of ______
  9. 18. Hawaii ________ National Park
  10. 19. The beautiful ________ Alps in Switzerland
  11. 20. sacred site in China's capital, Beijing
  12. 21. _________ islands in Ecuador
  13. 23. Constructed in 1644, a dazzling white palace in India
  14. 24. The Great Wall of ______
  1. 1. Birthplace of the Renaissance in Italy
  2. 2. ________ City, religious city inside Rome
  3. 3. ________ Verde National Park in Colorado, USA
  4. 6. Fortified remains of the Incas located 2400m high among the Andes Mountain Ranges in South America
  5. 8. Leshan Giant _______ located in China
  6. 9. The Great Pyramids and Sphinx of _______
  7. 10. Capital city of Italy
  8. 11. Capital city of France
  9. 14. AKA Easter Island, contains many mysterious moai
  10. 16. ___________ National Park in the USA
  11. 22. _________ Itza, step pyramid in Mexico