Unexpected Birth Complications and Teachings

  1. 4. Surgical delivery of the fetus through incisions in the mother’s abdomen
  2. 7. Attend the ___________ check after delivery
  3. 8. An important decision particularly in women who have had gestational diabetes to avoid accidental pregnancy
  4. 10. Labor that occurs after 20 weeks but before 37 weeks of pregnancy
  5. 12. Essential for the premature baby and the parents to experience this after delivery
  1. 1. The term includes twins, triplets, and high order multiples
  2. 2. Pregnancy induced ____________ hypertension(PIH)
  3. 3. These twins are generally identical because they develop from a single fertilized ovum
  4. 5. Each _______ is monitored separately during labor
  5. 6. Regular _______ is important to avoidmaternal obesity
  6. 9. Client _________ upon discharge is necessary for both mother and child
  7. 11. Follow the Canadian food guide for _______ well