Unforgettable Kids

  1. 4. "No one in the class has ever seen me!"
  2. 5. He's not the best in school, but smart in other ways.
  3. 7. Everyone gets one in school next year!
  4. 9. I used to be a square until someone sat on me.
  5. 10. "You mean if I push or pull a wagon, they're both a type of this?
  6. 11. Some say it flies by while looking at their wrist.
  7. 12. Careful of waves at the beach! Could really mess this up.
  8. 13. This Captain's shield looks like a target.
  9. 16. this is the correct form that means "also"
  10. 17. A lot of kids can sit in this. A mini-______.
  11. 18. Oh that Malfoy found his home.
  1. 1. Mr. C' loves this Texas team.
  2. 2. Win or lose, this would be good to say.
  3. 3. Square, triangle, circle, or diamond, hurry!
  4. 6. this gets broken by rock.
  5. 8. 5 groups of 4. What operation?
  6. 9. Finally I can act crazy during this time next year.
  7. 14. Can be a tough room.
  8. 15. I shared the __________ when I shared 5 out of 5 away.