Unfortunate Events

  1. 2. Means faking kindness
  2. 10. Means gave to Count Olaf even though he didn't want to
  3. 11. Means unsteady or likely to collapse
  4. 12. Means not at all enjoyable"they were of two minds"Means they felt two different ways at the same time.
  5. 14. Means Skillful
  6. 15. Means dull and foolish
  1. 1. Means very very wrong and causing much grief
  2. 3. Means an offered reward to persuade you to do something you don't want to do
  3. 4. Means with much tossing and tuning
  4. 5. Means the actors and stagehands were running around handling last minute details.
  5. 6. Means something to do with marriage
  6. 7. Means smiled in an unfriendly, phony way
  7. 8. Means bringing about
  8. 9. Means quickly
  9. 13. Means boiled(as in the string beans)