Unicorn swag

  1. 2. 2 sprints old developer noe api pro
  2. 3. having duplication of name just ignore (sri)
  3. 7. new dev to css
  4. 11. love to find the defects
  5. 12. Energised developer
  6. 13. meaning desire
  7. 15. pet lover
  8. 16. calm pega tester
  9. 17. 2 sprints old developer
  10. 18. Enthusiastic pega Tester
  11. 20. Solution Architech
  12. 22. leader of the css
  13. 23. makes everyone work on stories
  1. 1. Lead DEveloper Pega
  2. 4. Award winner pega developer
  3. 5. Portal tester
  4. 6. TDA
  5. 8. calm portal tester
  6. 9. heart of ART 2 he is famous but not a cricketer
  7. 10. senior dev member of portal
  8. 11. Tech developer
  9. 12. 2 sprints old developer calm person
  10. 14. (master) faith
  11. 15. senior pega developer
  12. 19. synonym of lotus
  13. 21. - likes to sing bt he is singer in dark