Unidad 3 La ropa y complemente

  1. 9. put on when going to bed
  2. 10. dressing on a nice occasion
  3. 11. wear outside when it is not hot or cold
  4. 12. protects from the cold
  5. 13. wears on top of your head
  6. 16. wears it around your neck
  7. 17. for running or comfy or a nice occasion
  8. 18. girls or boys walk with this around and out things inside
  9. 20. put on when you get out of shower
  10. 21. wears it on your ear
  11. 22. put on when swimming
  12. 24. a long loose shirt usually worn by women
  1. 1. hats, earrings, sunglasses
  2. 2. wears this on your wrist
  3. 3. can wear when snowing out
  4. 4. put on when it is chilly
  5. 5. protects your eyes from the sun
  6. 6. protects from the rain
  7. 7. girls wear this to a nice occasion
  8. 8. wears on feet
  9. 14. girls wear this and is puffy at around their waist
  10. 15. puts on in the middle of the suit
  11. 19. wears this on your wrist and tells you the time
  12. 23. wears when married
  13. 25. wears this on your head during the summer to protect your head