- 6. In English, a certain percentage is used, which in this case is 100% for a certain sentence.
- 7. dominated as the name of Bolivia
- 9. It calls itself the name of the United States
- 10. Being born abroad also includes in this category people with one or both parents who are Mexican (either by birth or by natur
- 12. is used in negative sentences with countable and uncountable nouns
- 13. What actors normally wear to wea
- 14. It is what is called the name of Germany
- 15. are words that refer to people, places, animals, ideas, things, events, substances, or qualities
- 16. It's what guys usually always bring, whether it's dressy or casual
- 17. in English a certain percentage is used, which in this case is 50% for a certain sentence
- 19. is used in affirmative sentences with countable and uncountable nouns
- 21. tomatoes, carrots, onions, hot dogs, hamburgers, cups, plates, mugs, glasses, eggs are named as nouns
- 23. is used in negative sentences with countable and uncountable nouns
- 1. it is the name of Brazil
- 2. It's when the sun rises and the moon sleeps
- 3. Students are going to take to school the most important...
- 4. It is the name of Canada
- 5. It is something done by one or more people in class.
- 8. Normally it is what women carry to accompany a very good product and things are usually stored
- 11. is when we doubt something
- 12. dominated as the name of Argentina
- 13. The last meal of the day
- 18. is an argument from an event that has already happened or is based on experience
- 20. The people of France are called
- 22. t is what we normally do day by day but it can also be applied in a gym