Unique Individuals

  1. 1. Horne twice exceptional
  2. 4. description used in earlier times
  3. 7. understanding math concepts
  4. 8. processing language
  5. 10. speaking up for someone who cannot speak
  6. 11. heritage and culture are priority
  7. 12. impairments major learning disability
  8. 13. neurological disorder
  9. 17. learning disability affects understanding
  10. 18. disability unique human beings
  11. 19. problems with written language
  12. 21. a law for special education
  1. 2. founder of disability rights movement
  2. 3. skills use to learn information
  3. 5. applying information
  4. 6. helps intellectual disabilities
  5. 9. understanding of numbers
  6. 14. justice equity and equality
  7. 15. protects civil rights
  8. 16. complicates teaching
  9. 20. brain based learning disability