Unit 0 & 1 Test Review

  1. 3. early hominid skeleton named for a Beatles song, discovered in Africa
  2. 4. early hominid known for standing upright [2 words]
  3. 8. means “yellow” [2 words]
  4. 11. Arabia’s location connecting Asia to Europe and Africa
  5. 13. several cities named for the ruler who expanded the Greek empire
  6. 14. Bantu’s farming process that included clearing the land and working it before moving onto another spot [3 words]
  7. 15. the Indus Valley people had complex institutions which allowed for their cities Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa to be ____________ [2 words]
  8. 16. despite the geographic challenge, this feature was used as a trade route for gold and salt making African Kingdoms very wealthy [2 words]
  9. 18. method of farming that made rugged terrain suitable
  10. 19. people learned to herd animals instead of hunt them
  11. 20. method of moving water to one’s crops
  1. 1. current location of the Indus River
  2. 2. despite Greece’s ___________ terrain creating barriers, the people shared the same religion and language.
  3. 4. early hominid known for use of tools [2 words]
  4. 5. area of Human Origin [3 words]
  5. 6. soil suitable for farming
  6. 7. Alexander the Great, the Romans, the Muslims all created empires that include parts of ________ continents
  7. 9. Africa’s tropical forests and deserts are fairly _________
  8. 10. word to describe the Nile River’s flooding patterns
  9. 12. a trained craftsperson
  10. 17. early hominid nearly as tall as a modern human [2 words]