Unit 2

  1. 6. planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune
  2. 9. (about 5000 years old) – Celtic 3-dimensional calendar
  3. 10. – a meteor that makes it to Earth’s surface
  4. 11. – also called “minor planets” are small rocky/metallic debris left over from the beginning of the solar system
  5. 13. is Latin for “earth” or “land”
  6. 17. – meteoroids burning up in Earth’s atmosphere
  7. 18. Planetology – comparing & contrasting properties of worlds to understand how they evolved
  1. 1. (1000 years old) – Mayan temple that was much more sophisticated than Stonehenge
  2. 2. Belt - region of the solar system past Neptune's orbit which contain minor & dwarf planets
  3. 3. – orbits the Sun; not a satellite; cleared out its orbit of debris & is round
  4. 4. – relatively small “dirty snowballs” that orbit the Sun in highly elongated orbits
  5. 5. – natural satellite orbiting a larger body
  6. 7. – the amount of the “compactness” of matter
  7. 8. – smaller pieces (<100m) of asteroids resulting from collisions
  8. 9. One star (the Sun); 8 major planets
  9. 12. Planet – massive enough to be a round body; has not cleared its orbit of debris
  10. 14. Belt – groups of asteroids between Mars & Jupiter
  11. 15. planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars
  12. 16. cloud - an immense spherical cloud surrounding the planetary system and extending approximately 3 light years from the Sun