  1. 3. Spanish soldier-explorers seeking to conquer New world
  2. 4. of Tordesillas 1494 agreement to divide the belongings Spain and Portugal
  3. 8. Disenfranchised common people who resented their exclusion from power
  4. 9. The rebirth of the culture of classical antiquity
  5. 14. Humanists Humanism in terms of Italian and Northern humanists' own religious traditions
  6. 15. A program of study to understand human nature
  7. 16. Financial support of writers and artists
  8. 17. Empire The Peruvian empire in the capital city of Cuzco
  9. 18. New Spain, Peru, New Granada, and La Plata
  10. 19. about Women Debate concerning women's qualities and proper role in society
  1. 1. Government by one-man rule in Italian cities
  2. 2. Geography Its ideas allowed cartographers to create more accurate maps
  3. 5. Where signori and other rulers lived, conducted business, and supported the arts
  4. 6. Legend An idea often propagated by Spain's rivals because Spain was "cruel and ruthless"
  5. 7. Free men in Italian cities searching for political and economic independence
  6. 10. System The Spanish crown could forcibly employ groups of Indians in exchange for goods
  7. 11. Empire A Native American civilization in modern Mexico and Central America
  8. 12. Being able to shape the world according to one's own will
  9. 13. Small, maneuverable, three-mast sailing ship