Unit 1: American Citizenship and Demographics

  1. 4. Immigrants blending in with American traditions and customs
  2. 5. Immigrants keeping their traditions and customs, and adding them to American culture
  3. 7. Area with open spaces, farms, and fewer people
  4. 9. An area with a lot of people, skyscrapers, and traffic; like a city
  5. 11. Loyalty, especially to one's country
  6. 12. Immigrants blending in with American traditions and customs
  7. 14. The belief in the United States that if you work hard and follow the rules you can have a better life for you and your family
  8. 16. The study of government and citizenship
  9. 17. Having the same rights under the law
  10. 19. Freedom from too much government interference in your life
  1. 1. A population count that the government takes every 10 years
  2. 2. Neighborhoods outside of cities
  3. 3. Fairness under the law
  4. 6. Safety
  5. 8. A person that comes to the United States for asylum
  6. 10. The specific characteristics (age, race, ethnicity, etc.) of a group of people
  7. 11. Anyone living in the United States that is not a citizen.
  8. 13. Rule by the people
  9. 15. A member of a country that has full rights and responsibilities under that country's laws
  10. 18. A person that comes to the United States from another country to live.