Unit 1 Astronomy

  1. 2. The amount of matter an object has
  2. 4. A force that pulls objects(planets)towards each other
  3. 8. Italian astronomer who supported Heliocentric theory using a telescope
  4. 9. Astronomer who supported Geocentric theory using Math
  5. 10. Pieces of metallic space rock burning through Earth’s atmosphere creating a streak of light through the sky
  6. 12. Earth centered theory
  7. 14. Space rocks that orbit the SUN
  8. 15. Polish astronomer who proposed Heliocentric Theory
  9. 17. The revolution of the Moon around the Earth causes the Moon to appear to have
  10. 18. cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun
  11. 20. The tendency of an object(planet) to remain at rest or continue in a straight path
  12. 21. Earth SPINNING on an imaginary(axis)creating day/night(24hrs)
  1. 1. A collection of stars, dust, gas, and dark matter
  2. 3. Sun centered theory
  3. 5. Most commonly accepted theory today on the formation of the universe
  4. 6. Greek astronomer who proposed Geocentric Theory
  5. 7. The sun is directly over the equator
  6. 11. Edwin Hubble's theory that the universe is always expanding
  7. 13. An explanation or model backed by results obtained from many tests or experiments
  8. 16. Earth's COMPLETE orbit around the sun creating 1 year
  9. 19. The position of the sun is close to one of the POLES