Unit 1: Baseball

  1. 3. baseball thrower
  2. 6. The concert ___ her to learn to play violin.
  3. 7. make or give shape to something
  4. 9. The lack of a good education is a ___ to many good jobs.
  5. 11. acting with prejudice
  6. 17. the best feeling in baseball (2 words)
  7. 18. very new and very different, extreme
  8. 19. baseball hitter
  9. 20. suffer and wait
  1. 1. stop, keep out
  2. 2. best
  3. 3. the science of movement, physical object, natural forces
  4. 4. judging without knowing
  5. 5. fly high and fast
  6. 8. very important
  7. 10. less or smaller
  8. 12. the optimal place to hit a baseball (2 words)
  9. 13. to get even, to fight back
  10. 14. with the right ___ anything is possible.
  11. 15. crash into
  12. 16. try very hard