Unit 1 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. a substance which has a constant composition and characteristics
  2. 4. Oxygen (O) and Potassium (K) are examples of an
  3. 6. a pure substance made up of more then one element
  4. 8. things that can be shown with a chemical formula are called a
  5. 12. energy is released to the surrounding area in a ______ reaction
  6. 13. anything that takes up space
  7. 16. using significant figures what is 201.9 + 2.765
  8. 17. these are observed and are either chemical or physical
  9. 20. the amount of matter that something has is its
  10. 21. when you have a bonfire a ______ change takes place
  11. 22. when measuring in chemistry we use significant figures, so the last digit is
  12. 24. 2.60 x 10^3 m/s is an example of scientific _________
  13. 27. the study of matter, its changes, and its properties
  14. 29. depending on gravity mass doesn't change but ____ does
  1. 1. an evenly mixed mixture
  2. 3. a mixture where the different parts are visible
  3. 5. a water displacement test can be used to find
  4. 7. factor that can be changed to effect the results
  5. 9. soild, liquid, gas, and plasma are
  6. 10. how close the results were to each other
  7. 11. how close the average is to the correct answer
  8. 14. melting takes in energy from the surrounding area in a _____ reaction
  9. 15. a way that scientists use to test their problems
  10. 18. melting is an example of a ____ change
  11. 19. two substances combined together would give me a
  12. 23. mass divided by volume equals
  13. 25. what is measured in Kelvin
  14. 26. using significant figures what is 12.68m * 0.0081m
  15. 28. transferred energy