Unit 1 Definitions

  1. 2. how you judge yourself or how you feel about yourself
  2. 3. chemicals from food that your body uses to carry out functions
  3. 7. physical activity
  4. 9. knowledge that there is an ample supply of food
  5. 11. demonstrating through behaviour
  6. 15. word to describe foods that a person is not allowed to eat
  7. 16. a person's typical way of life
  8. 17. eating disorder where individuals starve themselves to be thin
  9. 18. the big problem
  1. 1. the way in which an individual eats
  2. 4. a possible consequence of poor eating habits
  3. 5. common set of expected rules of behaviour
  4. 6. the study of nutrients
  5. 8. excessive body fat
  6. 9. where food comes from
  7. 10. food that provides a feeling of happiness and safety
  8. 12. shared customs, traditions and beliefs of a specific group of people
  9. 13. an eating disorder
  10. 14. a condition in which the body can't control sugar levels