  1. 2. Intelligence Ability to get along with people and cooperate
  2. 3. Recognizing feelings of others and to feel with them taking another person's perspectives
  3. 6. Primary Mental Abilities
  4. 8. Fluid & Crystallised intelligence
  5. 10. Intelligence Proposed by Wayne Payne
  6. 12. Capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges
  7. 14. Significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning
  8. 15. Proposed the concept of IQ
  9. 17. Higher than usual mental capacity
  10. 18. Multiple Intelligence
  1. 1. Proposed that intelligence can be quantified
  2. 4. Retardation with an IQ range of 35-40 to 50-55
  3. 5. Retardation with an IQ range of 20-40
  4. 7. Triarchic theory of intelligence
  5. 9. Factors that are primary and common to all tasks
  6. 11. Awareness about one self
  7. 13. Proposed the concept of Mental Age
  8. 15. Two-factor theory of intelligence
  9. 16. Retardation with an IQ range of 50-55 to 70