Unit 1: Introduction to HealthCare (Crossword Puzzle)

  1. 2. (4 words) A state and federal law. Provides residents with the same rights given to all citizens
  2. 3. A resident who is admitted to the facility from home or the hospital
  3. 5. Not doing what is asked (e.g. not taking a medication)
  4. 10. (3 words) A type of care that places emphasis on the person needing care. The resident makes their own choices over their lives
  5. 12. (2 words) A written description of the basic tasks, duties, and responsibilities required of an employee
  6. 13. Hurting someone on purpose or threatening their safety
  7. 15. (2 words) The person who provides basic care for residents and assists them with daily activities. This person is under the supervision of a licensed nurse
  8. 18. Not sharing spoken or written words about a resident
  9. 19. This person handles complaints between a resident and the nursing home
  10. 24. (3 words) Minnesota law that provides protection of adults considered vulnerable
  11. 25. (2 words) Isolating a resident to his/her room or to a specific area in a nursing home against their consent
  12. 27. (2 words) Mistreatment, mental or physical attacks on an elder
  13. 29. A health insurance plan administered by the Social Security Administration that provides health benefits to the elderly
  14. 30. Showing disrespect to another person
  15. 32. (2 words) A written description of the basic tasks, duties, and responsibilities required for an employee
  16. 33. (2 words) Behaviors needed to be satisfied and met
  17. 34. (2 words) A person approved or assigned by the employer to perform a specific type of duty or duties
  18. 38. (3 words) The line of authority that moves from the top of a hierarchy to the lowest level
  19. 39. Law passed by the federal government that includes minimum standards for nursing assistant training, staffing requirements, and information on the rights of residents
  20. 40. Failure of a professional to take reasonable care to avoid causing injury or loss to another person
  21. 41. Acronym for Do Not Resuscitate
  22. 42. Taking advantage of a resident for personal gain
  1. 1. (2 words) A comprehensive approach to patient care that involves treating and healing the whole person
  2. 4. An understanding of another's feelings
  3. 6. Expected to answer for one's actions; responsible, liable, answerable
  4. 7. (2 words) Medical equipment that assists or replaces important bodily functions and so enables a patient to live who otherwise might not survive
  5. 8. Working and helping each other to reach a shared goal
  6. 9. A health insurance plan administered by the Social Security Administration providing health benefits to the elderly
  7. 11. (2 words) The resident controls activities and tasks
  8. 14. (2 words) The nonphysical mistreatment of a person
  9. 15. Lack of proper care that causes physical harm, pain, mental anguish or emotional distress
  10. 16. (2 words) Shows the levels and lines of authority
  11. 17. Another word for conduct
  12. 20. (2 words) A written, legal document that lists what medical treatments someone would or would not want to be used to keep them alive
  13. 21. A federal and state funded health care reimbursement program
  14. 22. Leaving a resident after care has been initiated and before the resident has been transferred to another nursing assistant
  15. 23. (3 words) Long-term care facility that provides the most intensive level of care for the residents
  16. 26. (2 words) RN or LPN; supervises the other nurses and CNAs on a shift
  17. 28. The principles of right and wrong that guide an individual in making decisions
  18. 31. Behavior
  19. 35. Government agency that ensures safety in the workplace
  20. 36. Transferring responsibility to a person for a specific task
  21. 37. Rules of polite, courteous, kind, and respectful actions