Unit 1: Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves.
  2. 8. hot air rises, cool air sinks.
  3. 10. the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, in which there is relatively low resistance to plastic flow and convection is thought to occur.
  4. 11. the second most abundant element found in the inner and outer cores of Earth.
  5. 14. the theory that changes in the earth's crust during geological history have resulted from the action of continuous and uniform processes.
  6. 16. theory that the Earth's lithosphere (the crust and upper mantle) is divided into a number of large, platelike sections
  7. 19. a split or break that forms when the earth's crust divides.
  8. 20. at this type of boundary, plates are moving toward each other, eventually colliding
  9. 21. a chain of underwater mountains formed by seafloor spreading at divergent plate boundaries. Similar to the stitching on a baseball.
  1. 1. the transfer of heat or matter by the flow of a fluid, especially horizontally in the atmosphere or the sea.
  2. 2. the layer of Earth composed of solid iron and nickel.
  3. 3. at this type of boundary, plates are moving away from each other, creating rift valleys or mid-ocean ridges
  4. 4. boundary between two tectonic plates, where the plates are moving horizontally or vertically in opposite directions, not against or away from each other
  5. 6. the outermost layer of Earth, where we live, work and play.
  6. 7. the rocky outer part of Earth. It is made up of the brittle crust and the top part of the upper mantle. It lies below the crust.
  7. 9. at this type of boundary, plates are sliding past each other in opposite directions, often leading to earthquakes
  8. 12. the theory that our continents are slowly drifting across the surface of Earth
  9. 13. the layer of Earth in which convection takes place.
  10. 15. when heat moves from one object to another object through direct touch.
  11. 17. the layer of Earth composed of liquid iron and nickel
  12. 18. the heaviest of metal elements found in the inner and outer cores of Earth.