Unit 1 Review

  1. 3. The came to the New World in 1620 in search of religious freedom and started the Plymouth Colony
  2. 5. An area politically controlled by another country and occupied by settlers from that country
  3. 6. The Declaration of Independence was officially approved on ____ 4, 1776.
  4. 8. This short book was the most influential propaganda that supported the idea of independence from Britain (2)
  5. 11. The ship the Pilgrims travelled to the New World on was called this
  6. 12. The Mayflower Compact was one example of a _____ (2)
  7. 14. This group organized boycotts on British goods, harassed tax collectors, and anyone else who cooperated with the new British laws (3)
  8. 16. One of the three unalienable rights described in the Declaration of Independence (7 letters long)
  9. 19. Information that is used to influence people to support a particular idea
  10. 20. Being recognized by Britain and the world was the main _____ for the United States in the Revolutionary War (see #27 on the Study Guide)
  11. 21. The region of colonies that had lied between the other two regions
  12. 23. From 1754-1763, Britain accumulated a lot of debt while forcing the French out of North America in the ________ War(3)
  13. 25. By the end of the 1750s, Britain, France, and _____ had a strong presence in North America
  14. 27. One of the three unalienable rights described in the Declaration of Independence (3 words)
  15. 29. The region of colonies where agriculture and slavery dominated its economy
  16. 30. During the colonial crisis in the 1770s, this group was organized in Philadelphia with delegates from each of the colonies who tried to solve the crisis (2)
  17. 32. He wrote the influential propaganda book called Common Sense (2)
  18. 34. One of the consequences of the Revolutionary War was “concerns over the distribution of ______” (Slide 16 in 1-5 Slideshow)
  19. 35. The northernmost region of colonies
  20. 38. A government that, by law, has its power limited and checked for abuses of power (2)
  21. 39. A crop that is grown to be sold for profit (2)
  22. 40. One of the consequences of the Revolutionary War was the creation of the _______” (Slide 14 in 1-5 Slideshow) (3)
  23. 43. The ____ Trade System was the trade route that connected North America, Britain, and West Africa
  24. 44. An American who stayed loyal to Britain during the Revolution
  25. 45. Many colonists supported the idea of “No taxation without ______” in Parliament
  26. 46. The Declaration of Independence listed 27 complaints against King ______ III
  27. 48. One of the consequences of the Revolutionary War was the “birth of an ____ republican government” (Slide 13 in 1-5 Slideshow)
  28. 49. This Enlightenment philosopher described new ideas about government that would eventually influence the colonists and the Declaration of Independence (2)
  29. 51. Britain ultimately created how many colonies on the Atlantic Coast of North America? (Spell out the number)
  1. 1. In Virginia, this was the first elected group of representatives in the colonies and influenced colonists to expand the idea to other colonies (3)
  2. 2. To refuse to buy the goods and services of a certain business or country in an act of protest
  3. 4. A complaint after being treated unfairly; The are 27 of them against the king in the Declaration of Independence
  4. 7. By the end of the 1750s, Britain, Spain, and _____ had a strong presence in North America
  5. 9. The Pilgrims signed this influential social compact to create a self-government that would better unite them (2)
  6. 10. Facts that are obvious and don’t need to be explained are called _____ truths (2)
  7. 13. According to the Declaration of Independence, when a government is ______, it is the responsibility of the people to “alter or abolish” it (see # 22 on the Study Guide)
  8. 15. The route slaves travelled on in the Triangular Trade System was called this. (2)
  9. 17. The Treaty of _____ was the formal end to the war with Britain
  10. 18. The first shots of the Revolutionary War were at ________ and Concord in Massachusetts
  11. 22. Signed by King John in 1215, this influential document marked the first time the English king would have limited power (2)
  12. 24. Rights that are granted to all people by nature or god that can’t be denied or restricted by any government (2)
  13. 26. The principle that the authority of government is created and maintained by the consent of the people (2)
  14. 27. The Declaration of Independence says that governments are “instituted” to make sure the rights of the ____ are protected (See Slide #22 in the 1-4 Slideshow)
  15. 28. An American who supported the fight for independence during the Revolution
  16. 31. This influential 1689 document further limited the power of the monarchy and guaranteed basic rights to all British citizens (4)
  17. 33. Unable to be taken away
  18. 36. One of the three unalienable rights described in the Declaration of Independence (4 letters long)
  19. 37. The United States ______ the Revolutionary War (“won” or “lost”)
  20. 41. This influential era started the trend of using science, knowledge, and reasoning to explain the world us
  21. 42. A formal agreement between two countries - to conclude a war, for example
  22. 47. This principle says that every person is subject to the law regardless of their status (3)
  23. 50. One of the consequences of the Revolutionary War was our “changing views on freedom and ______” (Slide 15 in 1-5 Slideshow)