Unit 1 Review

  1. 2. Color of the silt in the Huang He River
  2. 7. Government by landowning Nobles.
  3. 8. Nature above all esle philosophy
  4. 9. Always be prepared for war philosophy
  5. 10. Green precious metal used by the Shang
  6. 11. He lived during the Zhou Dynasty but his beliefs became popular after his death
  7. 12. "Study the past if you would define the _______"
  8. 15. China and ____ are the 2 most populated countries in the world
  9. 16. Emerged as the strongest state and brought China under their control
  10. 18. Tallest Mountain Chain in the world
  11. 19. For quiz retakes - Which tab do you click on in Canvas to access past quizzes
  12. 20. Zhou belief that gave them the right to rule.
  1. 1. 250 year long war between Chinese Noble families
  2. 3. Confucianism believed fathers and kings should lead by _______
  3. 4. Priests read these during the Shang Dynasty to predict the future
  4. 5. Which day of the week are quiz retake grades updated in Powerschool
  5. 6. Repsect your elder philosophy
  6. 13. - Desert tha separates Northern China & Mongolia
  7. 14. Way of thinking
  8. 17. Capital of Modern Day China