Unit 1 Review: A Healthy Foundation

  1. 6. The S in S.M.A.R.T. Goal stands for __________.
  2. 8. The R in S.M.A.R.T. Goal stands for __________.
  3. 9. __________ is the combination of the 5 dimensions.
  4. 10. Healthy CHOICES will improve your wellness to avoid __________ diseases.
  5. 11. Being in the best of health throughout your life means making healthy choices and practicing healthful __________.
  6. 13. The M in S.M.A.R.T. Goal stands for __________.
  7. 14. __________ health is the ability to interact and form meaningful relationships with others.
  8. 15. __________ health involves having a feeling of purpose & meaning in life.
  9. 18. Every day, you make decisions that __________ your health.
  10. 19. Health education is an active process of becoming aware of and making __________ toward a healthy and fulfilling life.
  11. 20. __________ health affects how we think, feel, and act as we cope with life.
  1. 1. __________ help guide the way you live.
  2. 2. Your health at any moment can be seen as a point along a __________ , or sliding scale.
  3. 3. The A in S.M.A.R.T. Goal stands for __________.
  4. 4. You are __________ for your own health.
  5. 5. When your 5 health dimensions are balanced, you have a high degree of __________.
  6. 7. __________ health is about your feelings.
  7. 12. Heart disease and __________ are the top killers of adults in the U.S.
  8. 16. __________ health is all about how well your body functions.
  9. 17. The T in S.M.A.R.T. Goal stands for __________.