Unit 1-2 Review Crossword

  1. 7. prayed for the salvation of humanity
  2. 8. group of royal commissioners
  3. 11. ____ nobility was composed by the direct vassals of the kings (dukes, counts, marquises, barons)
  4. 12. small plots of land granted/leased by the lord to the peasants
  5. 17. trusted landowner, warrior, or friend
  6. 18. where nobles lived
  7. 21. system based on a chain of personal relationships based on the principles of loyalty and protection
  8. 22. complex Eastern Roman Empire that had many religious conflicts and was ultimately conquered in 1453 by the Turks
  9. 23. section of clergy that composed of priests and bishops
  10. 25. political, economic, and social system that characterized Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries
  11. 26. considered scared and chosen by God to govern society
  12. 27. large territories granted by the kinds to the nobility in exchange for their services
  13. 29. fought and defended feudal society
  14. 30. "____ of God" meant one should not attack the defenseless
  15. 32. type of relationship between peasants and lords
  16. 33. from the 5th to the 10th centuries AD
  1. 1. aimed to restore the Roman Empire, conquered western provinces, and ordered a collection of Roman laws
  2. 2. pacts of military allegiance in exchange for economic concessions
  3. 3. nomadic people who invaded Eastern Europe led by Attila
  4. 4. official language of the Germanic tribes
  5. 5. territory exploited directly for the lord
  6. 6. kingdom that had military control of the entire Iberian peninsula
  7. 9. ____ rules explained how monks/nuns should live
  8. 10. when a vassal knelt before the great lord and promised to be loyal
  9. 13. could not leave the independent holding
  10. 14. capital of the independent Visigothic kingdom
  11. 15. free people who could live where they wanted and leave the fiefdom
  12. 16. people who lived in family tribes, with a simple economy, and no formal writing or laws
  13. 19. 90% of the population in feudal society
  14. 20. emperor of the Carolingian Empire who strengthened the union between political and religious power
  15. 21. one of the most important commercial ports in the Mediterranean
  16. 24. period of crisis for the feudal system with a general population decline due to plagues/diseases
  17. 28. when a great lord granted vassal a fiefdom
  18. 31. became most important religion in Europe in the Early Middle Ages