Unit 1 Soc 205-503

  1. 2. also known as acquaintance rape
  2. 3. I am replacing the UCR
  3. 5. fairness and relationships between people and corporations
  4. 6. based on a peoples belief of right or wrong
  5. 9. I attack your computer viciously
  6. 14. a smooth running society shows...
  7. 15. fairness being assured to accused
  8. 16. strategies that have been scientifically tested and effective
  9. 18. all legal components to produce justice
  10. 19. burglary is an example of...
  11. 20. a survey of victims especially unreported victims or crimes
  1. 1. rehab of a criminal is part of...
  2. 4. I believe that the safety of society is more important than individual rights
  3. 7. compares number of crimes reported/discovered to number of crimes solved
  4. 8. concerning violations of criminal law
  5. 10. this gauges insanity
  6. 11. contain more serious crimes of the UCR/NIBRS
  7. 12. to study the philosophy law
  8. 13. rooted in a judiciary decision not made by lawmakers
  9. 17. using technology to carry out a terrorist attack