Unit 1: Spanish Speaking Countries

  1. 3. This country is the smallest Spanish speaking country.
  2. 6. This country is famous for its canal.
  3. 8. Panama borders this South American country.
  4. 9. The country that borders the United States.
  5. 13. This country borders Panama. Its name means Rich Coast.
  6. 14. This country is an island. It is a United States territory.
  7. 15. The only Spanish speaking country in Europe.
  8. 17. The country that borders Chile along the eastern border.
  9. 19. A country on the Atlantic Coast, south of Brazil.
  1. 1. A country with two capitals.
  2. 2. This country borders Mexico to the south.
  3. 4. This country is in the far northern part of South America.
  4. 5. This country and Haiti share an island.
  5. 7. This country is bordered by El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala.
  6. 10. This country is bordered by Costa Rica and Honduras.
  7. 11. A country on the Pacific Coast. Macchu Picchu is famous here.
  8. 12. A country on the Pacific Coast. The Galapagos Islands are part of this country.
  9. 13. The country that is 4000km long and 150km wide.
  10. 16. A landlocked country in South America.
  11. 18. This country is only 90 miles south of Florida.