Unit 1 Study Guide

  1. 4. Which Enlightenment philosophe emphasized that society can only survive if people are virtuous and felt that religion was necessary to keep people in check?
  2. 7. What country requires ALL its citizens, men and women, to enlist in the military?
  3. 8. What type of government system shares power between states and national governments?
  4. 12. The legislature that is now Parliament was called...
  5. 13. Which Enlightenment philosophe came up with the idea of separation of powers?
  6. 15. a massive change in thought that completely uprooted Europeans’ views of government and society.
  7. 16. an agreement by which people give up some individual rights in exchange for protection, law, and order by a government.
  8. 17. Which Enlightenment philosophe believed that civilization and luxury corrupted a person’s natural goodness?
  9. 19. Which Enlightenment philosophe believed that humans were naturally selfish, wicked, and cruel?
  1. 1. Which Enlightenment philosophe believed that people were born with three natural rights: life, liberty, and property?
  2. 2. Theory where the government does not control the economy
  3. 3. Which Enlightenment philosophe was an advocate for women's rights?
  4. 5. What is the purest form of democracy?
  5. 6. Which Enlightenment philosophe believed that humanity’s worst enemies were intolerance, prejudice, and superstition?
  6. 9. A form of government where the people do not have many freedoms
  7. 10. In which type of government do you elect representatives to make decisions on your behalf?
  8. 11. Which Enlightenment philosophe believed that people were born with three natural rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
  9. 14. Which Enlightenment philosophe believed that people were born with a clean slate, molded by their experiences, and thus could improve themselves?
  10. 18. What man came up with the Invisible Hand theory and the Division of Labor theory?