Unit 1- Sub units 1 and 2

  1. 5. The body of law made of judicial opinions and precedents
  2. 7. The right to trial by jury
  3. 9. The application of engineering principles and science used in the investigation of failure
  4. 10. Deals with non-criminal suits brought to protect or preserve a civil or private right/matter
  5. 11. Usually punished with a fine or confinement other than prison
  6. 12. The study and application of science to matters of law
  7. 14. The right to a fast and public trial, confront/have witnesses, and counsel
  8. 15. Protection against unreasonable search+seizure(probable cause)
  1. 1. Protection against excessive bail and/or cruel and unusual punishment
  2. 2. Regulation and enforcement of rights setting the acceptable limits of conduct in society
  3. 3. In civil law, a person has a right to trial by jury over $20
  4. 4. Major crime
  5. 6. The fundamental law of the US federal system of government.
  6. 8. Can be remedial or preventative
  7. 13. Legislative acts declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something
  8. 16. Court case is called a Court Martial