- 2. The means by which users get information and give commands to a computer.
- 8. The ______ handle allows users to make a window larger/smaller manually.
- 9. The ______ system is the software that controls the basic functions of a computer.
- 10. This feature allows users to see many print options before printing.
- 11. This storage feature allows users to name and locate documents.
- 12. The toolbar on many Microsoft programs is call the ____.
- 14. This refers to saving data for later use.
- 15. The micro_____ is an example of hardware and it controls all work done by a computer.
- 17. This means to send data to other users.
- 18. This means to give instruction to a computer.
- 19. A machine that follows a set of instruction to change/store data is called a _____.
- 20. Information ______ means to put facts/numbers into meaningful electronic form.
- 22. This means to get information from a computer.
- 1. These devices connect to a computer and allow users to perform additional tasks (A type of hardware)
- 3. These are the physical/required parts of a computer.
- 4. This series of letters/numbers IDENTIFIES users to a computer.
- 5. WiFi - Wireless ______.
- 6. ________ programs allow users to perform additional tasks. (A type of software)
- 7. The top 'bar' on most windows is called the ______.
- 13. The onscreen area on which windows, icons and more appear on a computer.
- 15. This series of letters/numbers GAINS ACCESS for users to a computer.
- 16. The smallest addressable unit in digital images.
- 21. The ______ buttons include - minimize, maximize and close/exit.