Unit 1 Test Review - Our Solar System & Beyond

  1. 2. the 3rd planet from the Sun
  2. 5. everything we know of exists within this (the largest scale)
  3. 6. a theory which attempts to explain the formation of the universe as starting from an explosion from a singular point and everything continued to expand out at a rapid rate
  4. 8. a key piece of evidence used to support the Big Bang theory
  5. 10. supported the idea of the geocentric model of the solar system
  6. 12. the farthest region where some comets originate from
  7. 16. _________ planets is another name given to the inner planets (made of solid rock)
  8. 18. the science of the study of space and beyond
  9. 20. the next biggest thing we know of within our solar system after the planets (we have one that orbits us)
  10. 22. the next biggest thing we know of within our solar system (our sun is the closest we can see)
  11. 23. what an object is made up of
  12. 28. The streak of light seen when a space rock enters the atmosphere and starts burning. Also known as a “falling star” or “shooting star”.
  13. 29. ________ planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune (farthest from the Sun)
  14. 31. first introduced the idea of the Big Bang theory
  15. 32. ________ planets are the outer planets which are made of mostly gas and have an icy core
  16. 34. the most popular asteroid because it’s the largest (so large and unique that it’s called a dwarf planet)
  17. 36. ________ planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars (closest to the Sun)
  18. 38. the 8th planet from the Sun
  19. 39. where a planet completely orbits the sun (determines the length of its year)
  20. 41. next biggest thing we know of within our universe (a large group of stars and matter bound together by gravity)
  21. 42. an object completely moves around a center point due to their gravitational attraction (can be circular or elliptical)
  22. 43. the 4th planet from the Sun
  23. 44. first proposed the geocentric model of the solar system
  24. 48. the name of our galaxy
  25. 50. the 2nd planet from the Sun
  26. 51. where a planet spins on its axis (determines the length of its day)
  27. 52. model of the solar system where Sun is the center (second model and proven correct)
  1. 1. an object located in outer space (outside of Earth’s atmosphere)
  2. 3. Large rocks leftover from the formation of our solar system. They are generally in orbit between Mars and Jupiter, but sometimes get bounced towards Earth.
  3. 4. we live on a ________ arm of of galaxy
  4. 7. a force that brings objects with mass towards each other (pulled together by attraction)
  5. 9. next biggest thing we know of within our galaxy (our sun being orbited by our planets)
  6. 11. the name of the arm that we live on within our galaxy
  7. 13. the 7th planet from the Sun
  8. 14. model of the solar system where Earth is the center (original/first model and proven incorrect)
  9. 15. the 5th planet from the Sun
  10. 17. a type of rotation of a planet in which it rotates in the opposite direction of the majority of the planets within our solar system (2 of our planets do this)
  11. 19. the 6th planet from the Sun
  12. 21. A chunk of ice and rock originating from the outer solar system (Oort cloud and/or Kuiper Belt) and often accompanied by a coma and a tail.
  13. 24. A space rock bigger than a dust grain but smaller than an asteroid. Most are a result of asteroid collision and comet debris but haven’t entered Earth’s atmosphere.
  14. 25. the beginning, or starting point of something
  15. 26. the most popular comet to us because it’s the only one we can see every 75-76 years from Earth (the shortest orbiting comet)
  16. 27. A piece of rock that doesn’t entirely burn up when moving through Earth’s atmosphere and lands on Earth’s surface.
  17. 30. the weight of an object due to what (or how much) “stuff” it is made up of
  18. 33. the closest planet to the Sun
  19. 35. an object in motion stays in motion and an object a rest stays at rest unless acted upon by a force
  20. 37. where asteroids orbit the Sun
  21. 40. proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system
  22. 45. the closest region where some comets originate from
  23. 46. the next biggest thing we know of within our solar system after the Sun (we have 8 of these and live on one of them)
  24. 47. ________ planets is another name given to the gas giant planets
  25. 49. confirmed the heliocentric model of the solar system with his telescope invention (his invention also helped support evidence for the Big Bang theory)