Unit 1 The Candian Legal System

  1. 1. the principle that when a matter is addressed by both valid federal and provincial legislation and there is a conflict, the federal legislation takes precedence.
  2. 3. the law in the form of legislation passed by Parliament.
  3. 5. rules of natural justice that a hearing must follow.
  4. 7. words that are a declaration that concessions, compromises, and admissions made by a party cannot be used against that party in subsequent litigation.
  5. 9. damages in excess of the plaintiff’s actual losses, intended to punish the wrongdoer for outrageous or extreme behavior.
  6. 10. the law determining how the substantive laws will be enforced—e.g. the rules governing arrest and criminal investigation, or pretrial and court processes in both criminal and civil cases.
  1. 2. in a dispute, to have an arbitrator make a binding decision on their claims.
  2. 4. the public good; law concerning the government and individuals’ relationships with it, including criminal law and the regulations created by government agencies.
  3. 6. an earlier court decision.
  4. 8. the rules that govern our personal, social, and business relations, which are enforced by one person’s suing another in a private or civil action.