Unit 1 The Constitution

  1. 3. necessary and proper clause, grants implicit powers to Congress
  2. 4. courts can deem legislature unconstitutional
  3. 5. sovereign states gathered for national interests
  4. 8. makes all states adhere to the Constitution
  5. 11. states were expected to return fugitives to the state they fled from
  6. 14. Congress 2/3 majority can override a presidential veto
  1. 1. requires states to be open about their laws and encourages them to respect another's laws
  2. 2. a presidential power to refuse signing of a bill
  3. 6. rights to life, liberty, and property cannot be taken away under any law
  4. 7. gives Congress the power to regulate commerce with other nations and the states
  5. 9. powers given to Congress in Article 1
  6. 10. the people acting as the ultimate ruling authority while government officials carry out laws
  7. 11. elected representatives act as trustees for people who elected them
  8. 12. allowed government agencies to share info about suspects and widened authority on phone tapping
  9. 13. a delegate from each state gathered to discuss the Great Compromise