Unit 1 Vocab

  1. 2. To introduce something new
  2. 4. An unpleasant hint of suggestion of something bad
  3. 5. Used to communicate room from room
  4. 6. Within a vein
  5. 8. A negotiator who acts as a link between parties
  6. 9. Involving students from within the same school
  7. 12. Incapable of being overcome or defeated
  8. 13. To be crossed together
  9. 14. Stopping and beginning again
  10. 15. Having a bad reputation
  11. 17. Unable to be solved
  1. 1. To ask questions
  2. 3. Incapable of being understood
  3. 6. A back and forth action
  4. 7. To insert between other things
  5. 10. Within a single state
  6. 11. To obstruct or interfere with
  7. 12. Endless
  8. 14. Harmless or inoffensive
  9. 16. Acting or done quickly without thought or care