Unit 1 Vocab Pt. 2

  1. 4. Absence of criminal and political violence
  2. 5. Supreme power or authority
  3. 6. Head of government (parliamentary)
  4. 7. Government where priest rule under the name of God
  5. 10. A legislative body with one house
  6. 11. Theory that believes many people in gov. have power
  7. 13. Third president of the U.S.A.
  8. 14. Executive and legislative branches join, has prime minister
  9. 15. Rights you are born with
  10. 16. The action of protecting
  11. 18. Colony ruled directly by the crown
  12. 19. Activities associated with the governing of a country
  13. 20. Theory that believes business leaders, politicians and military officers are elites in gov.
  14. 21. executive and legislative branches separate, has President
  1. 1. Basic unit of gov., has territory, population, sovereignty and government
  2. 2. All land belongs to monarch
  3. 3. Theory believing government is a tool of the rich
  4. 8. Democracy where elected representatives make decisions
  5. 9. All power resides in Central Gov.
  6. 11. Service intended to help all of the community
  7. 12. A theory stating a persons morals are dependent on a contract made among themselves
  8. 17. System of gov. with small group of people ruling