Unit 1 Vocabulary

  1. 2. New Stone Age. The time period after humans invented farming. Life was characterized by people settling in villages and farming. Over time cities began to develop. Began about 12,000 years ago.
  2. 3. A person who moves from place to place without a permanent home.
  3. 5. A person who studies the past.
  4. 6. A person who lives by hunting animals and gathering plants. They are usually nomadic.
  5. 7. Concentrating on a specific type of job or task, rather than doing all types of tasks.
  6. 10. A scientist who studies human life in the past by examining the things (artifacts) that people left behind.
  7. 11. An object made or modified by a human being.
  8. 14. Trustworthy.
  9. 15. Old Stone Age. The time period before humans invented farming. Life was characterized by hunter-gatherers using basic stone tools. Lasted from about 2.6 million years ago to about 12,000 years ago.
  1. 1. A scientist who studies humankind in all aspects, especially human development and culture.
  2. 4. To change the growth of plants or the behavior of animals in ways that are useful for humans.
  3. 8. A complex society that has cities, a well-organized government, and workers with specialized job skills.
  4. 9. Farming plants and animals to provide food and other necessary materials.
  5. 12. Extra; having more than you need.
  6. 13. People’s beliefs and practices about the existence, nature, and worship of a god or gods.