Unit 1 Vocabulary

  1. 3. the change from Hunting and Gathering to Farming
  2. 5. First set of laws written by humans - “Eye for an Eye”
  3. 6. Early form of writing developed by the egyptians that used images
  4. 7. The taming of wild animals for human use.
  5. 10. Early form of writing developed in Mesopotamia.
  6. 14. Humans moving from place to place following animals
  7. 15. Area in the mediterranean that contains fertile soil making it easy to grow crops.
  8. 16. Farming Crops and raising animals
  9. 17. Seasonal movement from one place to another
  1. 1. A government that bases its laws on religion
  2. 2. The beginning of farming and permanent settlements
  3. 4. The act of supplying water to crops
  4. 8. the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.
  5. 9. Belief in one God
  6. 11. The belief in more than one god
  7. 12. A city that governs itself and has one main culture
  8. 13. early humans lived in caves or simple huts or tepees and were hunters and gatherers.