Unit 10 HW Menu: WW1

  1. 5. British Prime Minister during WW1
  2. 7. List of demands that must be met to avoid consequences
  3. 9. Trade restrictions
  4. 13. French word for friendship or alliance
  5. 15. Germany's plan in WW1 to take out France first, then Russia
  6. 17. Woodrow Wilson's plan to preserve peace and democracy
  7. 20. Movement of military
  8. 21. Revolution led by Vladimir Lenin that led to the overthrow of the democractic provisonal government
  9. 22. Serbian terrorist group (union of death)
  10. 23. Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria during WW1
  11. 24. Treaty that harshly punished Germany, forcing them to take blame for the war, pay reparations, downsize thier military, stop the product of heavy artilery, and stop occupying the saav valley for 15 years
  12. 25. Cease fire
  13. 27. A general associations of nations to keep world peace
  14. 28. Communists of Russia
  15. 29. War Crimes
  16. 31. One sided information to sway public opinion
  17. 33. Russian civil war between the communists and the democratic socialists
  18. 35. Neutrality agreement between Germany and Russia-it expired, so Germany has a war on two fronts
  1. 1. Warring nation
  2. 2. Leader of the Bolshevik Revolution
  3. 3. Heir to the throne of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire; assassination leads to the start of WW1
  4. 4. Alliance between France, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, and other countries in WW1
  5. 6. Glorification of miltary, military buildup
  6. 8. A wearing down process until victory can be achieved
  7. 10. Allied powers that negotiated the treatys after WW1
  8. 11. Payment for war damages
  9. 12. Illegal war materials
  10. 14. An area assigned an advanced nation to administer their government
  11. 16. Ship sunk by Germany, first step to the U.S's entry into WW1
  12. 18. Alliance between France, Great Britian, and Russia
  13. 19. Telegram sent by Germany to Mexico that was intercepted by Great Britian, that stated Mexico should declare war on the U.S because Germany would help
  14. 26. Everyone is impacted
  15. 30. Alliance between Germany, Italy, and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire
  16. 32. An area full of tension that is ready to explode
  17. 34. Submarine