Unit 10 Terms

  1. 2. Funded the building over over 41,000 miles of highways
  2. 7. Allows employees to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons
  3. 8. Secret program in which the Atomic Bomb was developed
  4. 9. Legislation that improved education in science, math, and modern foreign languages
  5. 10. The U.S. and Soviet Union post WWII
  6. 12. Post war relations between the U.S. and Soviets that lasted for 46 years
  7. 14. Attacked by Japan propelling the U.S into WWII
  8. 16. Provided medical care for the poor and disadvantaged
  9. 17. Saw Alan Sheppard be the first American to sub-orbit the Earth
  10. 20. Soviet artificial satellites launched into space
  11. 22. Also known as Obamacare
  12. 23. Favored allowing the free market and private enterprise to take care of those in need
  1. 1. Al Qaeda leader responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the U.S.
  2. 3. Scandal that resulted in President Nixon resigned as President
  3. 4. Passed in an attempt to keep the U.S. out of war
  4. 5. An unspecified large group of people in a country or group who do not express their opinions publicly
  5. 6. 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City
  6. 11. Sentenced to death for selling nuclear secrets to the Soviets
  7. 13. Assassinated President Kennedy
  8. 15. Favored government intervention to help the needy
  9. 18. Person who fit the desired mold for the next president during the Election of 2016
  10. 19. Operation launched in 1991 to get Iraq out of Kuwait
  11. 21. Provided medical care for the elderly